
So we’re in our winter berth in Whitehaven. An easy motorboat ride up from Wales and even the scarily named “Swellies” in the Menai Strait proved to be an easy obstacle. We did manage a little bit of sailing, but with the wind on the nose, we were not making a good course, so we opted for the feeble way out – as we had to catch the tide right when arriving in Whitehaven.

We settled down to some jobs that needed to be done before Laurie jumps ship to head back to the US, so we got all the sails off and folded. Some work needed so we’ll take them over to Goacher Sails on the basis of a couple of recommendations (thank you!).

I then set about dismantling the Generator so that we could lift it out into the cockpit where I could separate generator from engine. The generator apparently needs rewinding. Getting the thing out is not too complex unless you’re a complete and utter idiot like me.

Fortunately, the generator will lift straight out through the cockpit locker and we can use the boom as a lifting gantry. I set up the main halyard onto the outhaul car and strapped a 6:1 vang pulley between the boom and the generator and started hauling. I couldn’t quite separate the exhaust coupling, so had Laurie winch the halyard up. She put everything into it, but no go, we couldn’t lift it.

Laurie started pestering me with silly questions about how I had it set up which I batted off, deciding instead that she’d lost too much muscle tissue in all our recent lazy days! I asked her to have another heave – and she did. Loud crack. Generator settles back down on it’s mounts (with my finger trapped – fortunately no damage). Oops… When I come up to the cockpit, I find that the outhaul has somehow flown forward – thereby letting the boom down a bit. We stop and think. I’m clueless.

Laurie goes below somewhat frustrated (and no doubt annoyed) and then comes back up with more pissy little questions… How’ve you got this thing rigged?? It wasn’t that difficult last time!

YOU IDIOT! If you want to raise the boom, you’d best let off the mainsheet first!!!

10 minutes later, with halyard attached to the topping lift eye, the generator is easily lifted and sitting on the cockpit seat… Now, I wonder what’s wrong with the outhaul…?


One thought on “WHOA!!!!

  1. steve carter

    Well written, I can close my eyes and envision the frustration coming from Laurie . Oh well, glad you didn’t break your fingers. You found someone to repair the sails!
    Carry on…


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